Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Pray for the Holy Spirit to Descend Like Dew and Purify the Whole Earth
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of May 8, 2024

This evening the Virgin Mary showed up all dressed in white. The mantle that enveloped Her was also white and broad, and the same mantle also covered Her head. On Her head the Virgin had a crown of twelve shining stars. Her hands were clasped in prayer and in Her hands a long crown of the holy rosary as white as of light, reaching almost down to Her feet. The feet were barefoot and rested on the world. The world, it was as if enveloped in a great gray cloud. Mother's eyes were filled with tears, on Her breast Her heart of flesh was crowned with thorns. The Virgin was surrounded by many little and big angels singing a sweet melody.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Dear children, I love you, I love you immensely.
Beloved children, walk with Me, abandon yourselves in My arms, I am always with you. Whenever you pray, I unite with your prayer and present it to the Father through My Son Jesus.
Children, be witnesses of My love, be witnesses of prayer, let your life be prayer. Pray especially with the prayer of the holy rosary, may the rosary be the weapon for you to use in these times of confusion and sorrow. Do not lose faith, even when everything around you seems impossible, do not lose hope, but trust in God, surrender to Him and let Him work.
Children, bend your knees and pray, go before the tabernacle and say your love to Jesus, speak to Jesus, worship Jesus. He is there alive and true and hears your every prayer. Worship silently, worship with simplicity and humility, God speaks in silence.
П: Children, also tonight I ask you to pray insistently for peace, pray for humanity to return to the path of conversion. Pray for families, pray for My beloved Church, pray for the Vicar of Christ, pray that the authentic Magisterium of the Church may not be lost.
The Virgin, after these words, paused briefly in silence and bowed Her head. To Her right I saw Saint Michael the Archangel, at which point She resumed speaking and asked me to pray with Her. We prayed for a long time and while I was praying with the Virgin, I had a vision.
Then the Virgin Mary resumed speaking.
Children, pray to the Holy Spirit, pray insistently. Pray for the Holy Spirit to descend like dew and purify the whole earth. I do not leave you alone, do not fear, in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Finally Mother blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.